The focus in Upper School is upon achievement and academic excellence with an emphasis on traditional values. There are designated rooms for science, music, art, design technology and information and communication technology. Keeping class sizes small (no larger than an average of 18) ensures that we can continue to cater for individual needs and monitor each child’s progress.
As a ‘prep school’ environment, we can focus all of our time, resources, attention and energy to the unique needs of each child. We have the flexibility to customise teaching strategies, programs, and experiences to match the child’s interests, challenges and learning preferences for each subject.
The challenging academic programme in Upper School is broadly based on National Curriculum 2014 guidelines but is extended to meet the more rigorous requirements of the 11+ entrance examinations. Our pupils benefit from a carefully balanced and well-rounded education, using specialist subject teachers whenever possible throughout the curriculum.
Results in National Tests at age 11 have been exceptional in relation to the national average for maintained Junior Schools. This level of attainment indicates that pupils make a high rate of progress in relation of pupils of similar ability.

• Art and Design Technology
• Dance
• Drama
• English
• French
• Geography
• History
• Computing
• Mathematics
• Music
• PE / Games
• Religious Education
• Science
• Verbal Reasoning and Non Verbal Reasoning
Although we are an academic school with high aspirations for our pupils, we believe in developing the whole child. Our goal is to provide strong academic foundations balanced by a range of creative, sporting and social pursuits, within and beyond the curriculum. We pride ourselves in helping all our pupils to realise their academic potential, preparing and equipping them for a wide variety of senior schools.