The PSF is a valued part of our family community here at Newbridge Preparatory School. The PSF Committee organises some social events throughout the school year. They play a very active role in the life of the school, meeting regularly and arranging social activities for families, adults and children. These events raise considerable sums of money which provide the children with extra equipment and many additional resources. However, fundraising is only part of the role of the PSF Association.
These social events are delightful and provide an excellent opportunity to meet with fellow parents in pleasant surroundings. Details of events are advertised in the Weekly Newsletter and on the notice boards in school. The PSF Association committee meets approximately twice a term.
The Committee Members serve on the PSF for up to three years. The Annual General Meeting, which is open to all parents, takes place in the Autumn term when the election of officers takes place.
All parents are encouraged to become involved in the Parents’ Association. Your involvement can be as small or as large as your time allows. The PSF Association is always pleased to welcome new parents with fresh ideas for the year ahead, and if you would like further information about membership of the committees or are interested in serving on either of them, please feel free to contact any of the members.